Tantalum recycling by “Buss & Buss Spezialmetalle”
Targeted tantalum recycling protects our global resources and prevents the unchecked mining of rare raw materials. The base metal tantalum is one of these rare raw materials and is an important component in the fields of microelectronics, the chemical industry and medicine.
Recovery of special metals through effective recycling processes
The North German, QM-certified company Buss & Buss Spezialmetalle GmbH has been recycling and trading in various special metals and scrap metal for over 25 years. With the help of effective and differentiated recycling processes, these so-called refractory metals are recovered and can be returned to the production cycle.
Refractory metals are base metals with a high melting point and very good conductivity for heat and electricity. In addition to tantalum, these metals also include rhenium, zirconium, niobium and hafnium, which are also recycled by Buss & Buss Spezialmetalle GmbH.
Why is tantalum recycling important?
The use of tantalum has become more and more important during technology, which is also increasing its rarity.
However, as the resources of tantalum continue to shrink to a minimum, the recovery of tantalum by recycling tantalum from electronic scrap is even more important. Also in order to procure this raw material regardless of the original areas of origin.
Consistently high-quality products from Buss & Buss Spezialmetalle GmbH
Our company Buss & Buss Spezialmetalle GmbH is your certified industrial partner for the disposal and recycling of tantalum and scrap containing tantalum.
We recycle pure and contaminated tantalum scrap for our customers in a professional manner and according to the required standards.
Through our different tantalum recycling methods and our own production of special metals such as tantalum, we offer a high degree of flexibility and speed with regard to the implementation of customer orders and international competitiveness.
If you would like to know more about tantalum recycling or about Buss & Buss Spezialmetalle GmbH, please contact us by phone or using the contact form.